Archives For Stress

 Who Can Resist 

Texas Chewie Pralines from Lammes  


Salted Brown Butter Texas Pecan Brittle Chocolate  

from The Chocolate Makers Studio?

“Yum-O” as Rachel Ray would say.


#100HappyDays: “There’s nothing as cozy as a piece of candy ...” ― Betty MacDonald

“There’s nothing as cozy as a piece of candy …” ― Betty MacDonald
Photo credit: Jackie Yun |

 On Day 2 of #100HappyDays 

Sweets are on my happiness radar.  

I’m the type who asks for the dessert menu before ordering the entree.

My favorite holidays are Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween and  Christmas.  (Chocolate, anyone?)

And My Advice to New Leaders: 

“Lead through a Bowl of Candy”

My candy bowl was filled with Reeses®, Snickers®, 3 Musketeers®, Milky Ways® and more.

A bowl of candy can become one of your best and favorite leadership tools.  Here’s why: 

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Your leadership will face untenable constraints.

How will you respond to the Tsunami that awaits your Leadership?
Image courtesy of federico stevanin /

T S U N A M I !

Crushing, demolishing, relentless.

Then, miraculous

L I F E !

The son, focused on getting his injured mother to safety amid destruction,

purposely ignores a whimper.

Until his mother speaks.

“What if that boy was Simon or Thomas?

You would want someone to help them…

Even if it’s the last thing we do.”


Those words of extraordinary heart-centered leadership are from Maria Belon, the real-life mother who wrote about surviving the 2004 Tsunami that hit Thailand.  Her book is the basis for the movie: “The Impossible” and the powerful “Even if it’s the last thing we do” scene:



From which a question emerges for us as leaders:

When the tsunami-at-work hits, 

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Photo Credit: by Benjamin Miller

Don’t Let Stress Overwhelm You
Photo Credit: by Benjamin Miller

“Jackie will have a full report and recommendation for a financial and accounting system on your desk in 2 weeks”.

That was the confident voice of my boss’ boss. I had no such confidence. I had no clue how to start, what to do. I was just a programmer, not a senior business analyst, not a manager. I had no background in finance or accounting, unless a couple of classes in college counted. I was just a few years into my professional life. Back then, there wasn’t much on the Internet, nor was Internet access easy.

Shaky, sweaty and hunched down. I felt overwhelmed. While there was no Staples® Easy Button™ to push to meet this or any challenge, I did discover that there are things I could do to get over the overwhelm… Click here for my tips for reducing the overwhelm of stress in my second guest post at Will Lukang’s blog.

So please tell me.

What do you do when you feel the stress building?  Is there something that works for you? Please do share your tips in the comments.

And remember…
#TakeThisMoment and breathe deeply. Exhale the stress. Inhale the calm. ~ Jackie Yun