Spring makes a statement.
Encouraged, my heart blossoms.
Johnny Jump Ups cheer.

Johnny Jump Ups Cheer Away Your Winter Reluctance and Let You Jump into Spring!
Photo credit: Jackie Yun | JackieYun.com
This is my haiku offering to Carol Varsalona (@cvarsalona). She tweeted me an “invitation to find the connection between digital photography and poetic expression”; asking me to submit a photo and original poetry to be part of her “Reflect with Me, April Awakenings Literary Event”.
And from that …
On Day 3 of #100HappyDays
I celebrate leaving my cocoon!
In a cocoon, there is no dancing, no walking, no breathing, not even a wink of the eyes. It is comfortable and sleepy; an intense and very familiar home.
When we begin to examine that comfortable darkness – look at it, smell it, feel it – we find it is claustrophobic.
We want to stretch out and walk, dance, even jump.
from Chogyam Trungpa, “Shambhala, The Sacred Path of the Warrior”.
Though afraid to Jump.
I pushed off the reluctance
To write Spring haiku.
It wasn’t simple.
Reluctance with its comforting scent of status quo can tug hard at me.
Even when I know all the benefits of jumping and I want to jump, the cocoon calls.
“Jump” was one of my 2013 #Threewords. I wrote about it in the comments of Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter’s post. Thank you, Jacqui (@ValueIntoWords — Master Resume Writer / Sailor), for introducing me to the #ThreeWords concept.
But, I did not jump at Carol’s invitation. I tweeted to her that I was not a poet.
Does reluctance pull at you in the same way?