#ThreeWords For Your Valentine

February 10, 2013 — 7 Comments

If you haven’t seen the 2012 Valentine’s Day Reese’s commercial, watch it now before reading further. Yes, we’re no longer in 2012, but it just caught my attention.

According to the delectable chocolate-peanut-butter-cup candy maker, the three words your Valentine wants to hear are:

“I got Reese’s”.

You know what?  Given our politically-correct, sue-happy world; those three words are certainly more acceptable than “I love you” for your Valentines-at-work — your team.

Here are 21 other appreciative, thoughtful, full-of-gratitude #ThreeWords…

that will let your team know you care, but won’t get you into trouble with HR (well, maybe #17 might).  Get these into your conversations and see the positive heart energy flow!  Giving away a few Reese’s probably won’t hurt either. 🙂

  1. You are awesome!
  2. Team, you shine!
  3. Can I help?

    Your ThreeWords of Appreciation

    Thumbs Up for Your #ThreeWords
    Photo courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

  4. Boss, ______ rocks!  (insert name)
  5. Tell me more.
  6. I believe you.
  7. Your _______. Approved!  (insert proposal, class, request, etc.)
  8. I will listen.
  9. We need you.
  10. Team lunch today?
  11. Come join us.
  12. Proud of you.
  13. Yes, you’re right.
  14. Great solution, ____! (insert name)
  15. I appreciate you.
  16. Go for it.
  17. Stretch the rules.
  18. Breaktime! Let’s go.
  19. It can wait.
  20. Job well done!
  21. Thank you, ____. (insert name)


What are your #ThreeWords for your Valentines-at-work?

What are your #ThreeWords for your
Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Your #ThreeWords?

For this Valentine’s Day or any day of the year, what will you say to your team to show that you value and appreciate them?  Love to see your #ThreeWords in the comments below.

And for all the good hearts on your team, please do…

#TakeThisMoment to show you care. ~ Jackie Yun

7 responses to #ThreeWords For Your Valentine

  1. What a fun challenge… Here are my three little words…

    Take your vacation.
    Oops, my bad.
    Here’s what’s happening.
    Got your back.
    Great, own it!
    Yes, yes, yes!
    Enjoying your work?
    What’s your opinion?
    Come on in.
    Your future’s bright.
    Here’s your bonus.
    I hear you.
    I support you.
    I’ll resolve that.
    Go home early.
    I’ll introduce you.
    Here’s some feedback.
    This is brilliant!
    You’re included, too.
    Have lunch plans?
    Lesson learned. Next?
    Mistakes are good.
    You’re worth it.
    You having fun?
    Isn’t this great?
    Heard this joke?

    • Hello Diane,

      My #threeword response to you is “Creative. Rich. Practical.” and if I were to add a fourth word, it would be “Wow!”. Over at LinkedIn, Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter (@ValueIntoWords) shared that this is a “word-fueling” post. I answered that it had “ignited” with your 26 contributions. Thank you!!

      One of your #threeword phrases: “Here’s some feedback” — speaks well of you and your team. To hear this phrase with appreciation and without trepidation means that there is much mutual respect and trust. I’m thinking that you must be a Character-Based Leader — as described in the book that I reviewed in my previous post. And I say to you: “Bravo. Bravo. Bravo!”.


      • Thanks! To your comment on “Here’s some feedback,” I included that because I see so much needless frustration. Many bosses don’t make time to give feedback routinely to those who report to them. It’s unfortunate, on so many levels, to both sides. And often, team members don’t fully appreciate the time and effort it takes for a manager to do this. Your word, “appreciation” is key.

        Your word, “trepidation,” also makes me think. Hopefully, the more constructive feedback and interaction one has with a team leader, the better the relationship becomes because you both learn and develop from those sessions. To see feedback as an opportunity for growth is perhaps dependent on the style of the manager. Motivating and honest vs. non-constructive criticism. It takes time to nurture, but the rewards make the investment worthwhile.

        • I like your word, “nurture”. Feedback can definitely be nurturing, including feedback on areas for development and growth as you point out. One’s perspective is key, isn’t it?

          Speaking about perspective… recently, I’ve been bantering back and forth with one of the folks, who manages one of my favorite places for a meal, over the phrase: “We need to talk”. His interpretation is “trouble coming my way”. Yet our talk was about the good service from his key team members. And the hastily called out “We need to talk” was me just trying to capture his attention.

          Leaders need to be aware of the potential trap of perspective and how it can color the conversation. The trap I fell into is letting my own inner critic negatively color the word, “feedback”. This coloring also made me temporarily forget that feedback can mean giving a good-job shoutout!:)

          High-five’ing you, Diane!

  2. Jackie,

    My three words: Another great post!

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  1. Finding Time to Thank Your Team | Jackie Yun - December 31, 2014

    […] up at night. And say “Thank You”. If you’re stuck on how to say “Thank You”, here are suggestions from me and from Leaders such as […]

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